Why all the religions of the world are cruel and heartless.

Sounds like a pretty strange statement, doesn’t it?

How can all the religions of the world be not only cruel but heartless?

If you compare them to each other, you’ll find similarities and differences.

The bottom line is that all religions have two things in common. First, they are man’s creation. Second, and more importantly, they all prescribe works and/or rituals by which you are promised some sort of an existence after death.

Contrast this with what the Bible teaches––that eternal life is a free gift that is conferred upon you by believing on the Lord Jesus Christ. According to Scripture…

“… God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself…” (2 Corinthians 5:19)

All that is necessary to give you peace with God and life after death has been DONE by the Lord Jesus Christ.

God laid all our sins upon the Lord Jesus Christ and punished him in our place. And since the wages of our sins were paid to him (i.e., he got what we earned), God is able to forgive us.

Christ died for our sins according to the Scripture and rose again the third day, and he’s alive for evermore. More importantly, he is able to give life to any and all that believe on him.

Some folks once asked Jesus, “what must we do to do the works of God?”

“Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God,
that ye believe on him whom he hath sent.”
(John 6:29)

Doesn’t sound like hard “work,” does it?

But here’s why Bible-believing Christianity makes more sense than any of the religions of the world and why it is not cruel or heartless. It is…

Do-able by anyone.

That’s what sets the religion of the Bible or the religion of faith in Jesus Christ apart from all the other religions on earth. It’s Do-able.

It’s Do-able for a child. It’s Do-able for someone breathing his last breath. It’s Do-able for a quadriplegic who can’t do any works. It’s Do-able for smart people. It’s Do-able for dumb people. It’s Do-able for anybody because it doesn’t take anything except “belief.”

All the rest of the religions are cold and heartless because they are exclusive. Only certain classes of people can qualify. The man breathing his last breath hasn’t got time to DO any “good work.” A quad can hardly move. What religious or good works do you want them to be required to DO? A child can love the Lord but can’t DO a whole lot more.

Oh, there is one thing you or anyone else HAS to DO

“For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (Romans 10:13)

The Lord is rich in mercy to all who call upon him. Have you called upon him?